A building block for excellent vitality.
Focusing on general dentistry helps you limit dental expenditures and keeps you in tip-top condition.
Dental emergencies can strike anyone, but our patients who commit to regular dental care visits present with significantly fewer problems over time. Professional dental exams at our practice allow us to bring a blend of proactive efforts to you.
When you visit our practice we review many aspects of your health before we clean your tooth surfaces. Things like broken teeth, sensitivity or bleeding gums could all be the beginnings of bigger problems down the road. Once we have finished your exam and your teeth are free of tarter deposits, we use professional-strength polishing paste that gently buffs away stain and microscopic plaque. This helps slow yellowing while maintaining a glassy surface for easier home cleaning.
And of course, regular dental visits prove vital in fixing and preventing decay and gum disease as you keep up your daily home teeth cleaning habits. With a proactive approach, together we can prevent minor issues from becoming major procedures.
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Correcting cavities, not just brushing them aside.
It's sometimes easy to ignore, but a little bit of tooth decay always leads to a little bit more. The outcome of these untreated problems inevitably becomes pain, emergency treatment, and tooth loss. Regular checkups help us identify existing and new cavities, and periodic cleanings at our practice remove mineralized deposits that harbor millions of harmful infection causing bacteria. Many studies suggest that illnesses like heart disease, endocarditis, and Alzheimer’s are linked to poor oral health. If you are in a high risk category we can work with you to create a customized approach to your visits and your dental home care routine.
Anatomy of a dental checkup.
We review many aspects of your health. Early detection of oral abnormalities saves millions of dollars and lives every year.
Not every oral health issue is readily apparent to the naked eye. We use X-rays and other technologies to see below the surface.
After the deposits are removed from your teeth, our fluoridated polishing paste leaves you with an ultra-smooth, shiny smile.
Ready to take charge of your oral health?

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How Decay Can Take Your Health Away
It’s no exaggeration that tooth decay can lead to other serious health issues. But what is tooth decay, anyway? Simply, it’s cavities. And to understand why it may be dangerous you need to understand where cavities come from.
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Get A Leg Up On Great Overall Health
At home, prevention may include brushing and flossing twice a day. But many strategies and oral health aids exist that may fit your situation even better. Our team can help customize solutions that enhance your daily efforts, often turning frustration into smiles at the healthy changes that occur.
Meet Our Dentist
Michael Cho, DDS
Dr. Michael Cho was born and raised in the Inland Empire in Southern California. He began his undergraduate career in the wine country of Napa Valley, California and continued his undergraduate education in Respiratory Care at Loma Linda University School of Allied Health Professions.